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CHSS: The College of Humanities and Social Sciences Collection
Showing 1631 to 1640 of 2055 Resources
Topic 2d - Relative Position

Topic 2d - Relative Position

Z-scores, percentiles, and t-scores

Topic 3a - Conceptual Introduction to Factor Analysis

Topic 3a - Conceptual Introduction to Factor Analysis

Conceptual Introduction to Factor Analysis

Topic 3b - Common Factor Model

Topic 3b - Common Factor Model

Technical details on the mathematical underpinning of the commonf factor model (optional)

Topic 3c- FA Process and Communality

Topic 3c- FA Process and Communality

Provides general overview of FA process along with discussion and interpretation of communalities.

Topic 3d - Factor Retention and Extraction

Topic 3d - Factor Retention and Extraction

Covering the nature of eigenvalues, factor retention rules and differences between Principal Components Analysis and Principal Factor Analysis.

Topic 3e - Factor Rotation

Topic 3e - Factor Rotation

Meaning, purpose, and types of factor rotation

Topic 3e - Factor Rotation

Topic 3e - Factor Rotation

Discussing the meaning and options for rotating your factor solution.

Topic 3f - Loadings

Topic 3f - Loadings

Discusses what factor loadings are, how interpreated, and role in defining the nature of the factor

Topic 3g - Putting it All Together

Topic 3g - Putting it All Together

Walking through the factor analysis of the WAIS (paying special attention to loadings)

Topic 4a - Concept of Reliability

Topic 4a - Concept of Reliability

Why reliability? From physical to psychological.

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