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CHSS: The College of Humanities and Social Sciences Collection
Showing 1651 to 1660 of 2055 Resources
Topic 5f - Internal Consistency

Topic 5f - Internal Consistency

Variance of a composite, split-half, and internal consistency

Topic 6a - Validity

Topic 6a - Validity

What does it mean

Topic 6d - Construct Validation

Topic 6d - Construct Validation

Does variation in the attribute relate meaningfully to expected variation with similiar and distinct measures?

Topic 6f - Other Validity Forms

Topic 6f - Other Validity Forms

Response, Ecological, Differential, and Incremental

Topic 7a - Multi-Trait, Multi-Method Matrices

Topic 7a - Multi-Trait, Multi-Method Matrices

Set-up, logic, and interpretation of MTMM matrices

Topic 7b - Validity Coefficients

Topic 7b - Validity Coefficients

Thinking about what a correlation coefficient "means" or how to inrepret the effect

Topic 7c - Types of Validity Coefficients

Topic 7c - Types of Validity Coefficients

Covers variants of the pearson correlation coefficients based upon levels of measurement

Topic 7d - Factors Attenuating Validity Coefficients (Dichotomization, Range Restriction)
Topic 7e - Prediction Confidence Intervals and Standard Error of Prediction

Topic 7e - Prediction Confidence Intervals and Standard Error of Prediction

Standard error of estimate and prediction confidence intervals

Topic 7f - Validity Magnitude - Binomial, Utility, and SensitivitySpecificity

Topic 7f - Validity Magnitude - Binomial, Utility, and SensitivitySpecificity

Intuiting the importance or influence of validity coefficients on practical decisions

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