Gillenwater discusses how she and her husband arrived at Trenton State College from Arizona in 1966 and why he suddenly decided to resign within two years. The interview also includes a discussion of her family, Presiden..
Carman discusses his relationships with the college, first as a student in the summer library school during the 1930s and then as a professor since 1961. Topics include various college presidents during his years, his ex..
Johnson and Dresser discuss their undergraduate and teaching experience at the college. Topics include the curriculm and campus life in the 1930s, the structure of the college when they returned to campus later, Johnson'..
The interview focuses on the two librarians' experience in the college library.
Dean discusses how athletics developed at the college during his years. Topics include how he came to the college, the structure of athletics in his initial years, funding for athletics, life on campus at that time, memo..
The interview focuses on Martin's experience as College President following the long tenure of his predecessor Roscoe L. West. Topics include his initiatives to take the college in a different direction, expanding the st..
Hirsch discusses her educational background and teaching experience at Trenton State College. Topics include her doctoral study under Martin Heidegger at the Philipps University of Marburg, her research fellowship at Yal..
Campbell discusses the development of the Faculty Senate since the late 1960s and its various early leaders. Topics also include major issues of concern for the Faculty Senate, such as faculty tenure, student evaluation ..
Franz discusses her years at Trenton State College. Topics include how she started teaching in the demonstration school in 1944 after receiving an M.A. in teacher education from Columbia, how she moved to a faculty posit..
Tiffany discusses her teaching experience at Trenton State College. Topics include how she was initially offered a position to teach English in the Lanning Demonstration School when her husband was hired to teach English..