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Intelecom Collection
Showing 1841 to 1850 of 3483 Resources
Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 1: Multiplication By Zero

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 1: Multiplication By Zero

This clip explains that the product of any number multiplied by zero is zero.

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 1: Multiplication Problems

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 1: Multiplication Problems

This clip presents a number of multiplication problems and challenges the viewer to use arrays in solving them.

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 1: Summary: Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part One

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 1: Summary: Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part One

This clip summarizes multiplication of whole numbers, including the relationship between addition and multiplication, the use of arrays, and the results when multiplying numbers by one or zero.

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 2: Memorizing the Multiplication Facts With Tables

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 2: Memorizing the Multiplication Facts With Tables

This clip advises that, even with the full multiplication table filled in, the real work is just beginning, because it's necessary to commit the multiplication facts to memory. The clip then provides strategies for how t..

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 2: Multiplication Facts For 3

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 2: Multiplication Facts For 3

This clip explains that multiplying by 3 "…is like walking along the number line with steps three units long."

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 2: Multiplication Facts For 4 and 8

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 2: Multiplication Facts For 4 and 8

This clip suggests the use of arrays or the number line to learn the facts about multiplication by 4. It states that multiplication facts for 8 are essentially the same as those for 4 but doubled. The clip also reiterate..

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 2: Multiplication Facts For 5 and 2

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 2: Multiplication Facts For 5 and 2

This clip explains that when two factors change places in a multiplication problem, the product remains the same. It then explains the multiplication facts for 5 and 2, noting that exercises can be completed with the hel..

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 2: Multiplication Facts For 6, 9, and 7

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 2: Multiplication Facts For 6, 9, and 7

This clip explains that, now that we can multiply by 3, multiplying by 6 is easy because, "…it's just a matter of taking steps twice as big." It goes on to say that "…the 9's facts are in a class by themselves," explai..

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 2: Multiplication Facts Table and Multiplication Facts for 1 and 0, The

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 2: Multiplication Facts Table and Multiplication Facts for 1 and 0, The

This clip introduces a table as a means by which to learn multiplication facts. It also reviews multiplication of whole numbers by 1 and 0.

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 2: Practical Multiplication Problems

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 2: Practical Multiplication Problems

This clip presents practical problems which the student can try to solve using the facts presented thus far in the "Multiplying Whole Numbers" lesson.

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