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Intelecom Collection
Showing 1851 to 1860 of 3483 Resources
Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 2: Summary: Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part Two

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 2: Summary: Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part Two

This clip summarizes some of the key points about multiplication, touching on the concept of the number line, arrays, and the importance of looking at the units place of products. The clip also points out some of the int..

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 3: Multiplying a Larger Number by a Single-Digit Number

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 3: Multiplying a Larger Number by a Single-Digit Number

This clip presents a simple multiplication problem in which a three-digit number is multiplied by a one-digit number. The clip explains that multiplication is essentially a shortcut for what would otherwise be a very lab..

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 3: Multiplying by Hundreds, Thousands and Ten Thousands

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 3: Multiplying by Hundreds, Thousands and Ten Thousands

This clip explains that "…if we multiply a number by 100…we write two zeroes after that number," then goes on to explain the procedure of adding the correct number of additional zeroes when multiplying by a thousand or..

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 3: Multiplying by Ten, Twenty, Thirty and Beyond

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 3: Multiplying by Ten, Twenty, Thirty and Beyond

This clip explains the role that zeroes play in multiplying numbers by 10, 20, 30 and so on.

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 3: Multiplying by a Number With a Zero in the Middle

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 3: Multiplying by a Number With a Zero in the Middle

This clip explains that there's more than one way to multiply numbers with a zero in the middle. It suggests that for those just learning multiplication, there's less chance of error if one writes out the full row of zer..

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 3: Review of Previous Multiplication Material

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 3: Review of Previous Multiplication Material

This clip reviews some of the key points from previous multiplication lessons, including expanded notation, the one hundred multiplication facts, and arrays.

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 3: Splitting Arrays and Partial Products

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 3: Splitting Arrays and Partial Products

This clip explains that the use of smaller arrays and the calculation of partial products provides the easiest way to multiply multi-digit numbers by multi-digit numbers not ending in zero.

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 3: Summary: Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part Three

Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part 3: Summary: Multiplying Whole Numbers, Part Three

This clip summarizes the key points in Part 3 of Multiplying Whole Numbers, whose goal is to teach students to multiply any whole numbers, however large. The key points include expanded notation, the 100 multiplication f..

Multiplying a Monomial by a Trinomial

Multiplying a Monomial by a Trinomial

Solving a practical problem algebraically using multiplication of a monomial by a trinomial.

Multiplying and Dividing Both Sides of an Inequality by a Negative Number

Multiplying and Dividing Both Sides of an Inequality by a Negative Number

It is necessary to reverse the inequality symbol whenever you multiply or divide by a negative number.

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