Former White House press secretary Mike McCurry explains how and why news organizations often cover events the way they do, especially in the case of high interest news stories. "It becomes kind of this moment of high dr..
Philosopher Hubert Dreyfus talks about Friedrich Nietzsche's views on God, then flashes back to the time of Plato, before moving forward again and exploring the question: what happens to a culture which is organized arou..
Renowned oceanographer and geophysicist Walter Munk talks about the impact of sound on marine animals. He discusses the campaign of environmental groups to cut down on noise pollution in the ocean--a campaign which Profe..
In conditions of uncertainty, where there are no clear probabilities, managers may make decisions by drawing on experience, judgment or intuition, factors which are sometimes referred to as non-quantitative.
Communication is sometimes thought of as being either oral or written. But non-verbal communication, commonly known as body language, may at times be more significant than either of these. As a result, sensitivity to non..
A quadratic trinomial that cannot be factored is presented and explained.
Although rumors of impending conflict with Great Britain have been circulating for months, the actual outbreak of hostilities in 1775 finds the colonies unprepared for the challenges of armed conflict. The loosely formed..
During the first year of fighting, British forces attempt to crush each outbreak of rebellion as it occurs. They suffer major losses when they take on revolutionary forces at Breed's Hill in Boston, yet crush Washington'..
How can the small, rag-tag Continental army outlast the 18th century's most formidable military power? One important factor is that the British misunderstand what they are facing in this conflict, one of five battlefront..
The first order of business for the new government is recruiting and organizing an army. Many volunteers are disadvantaged men hoping to earn enough money to buy land or a business. Their term of service begins in the sp..