Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka came to the Supreme Court in May 1954. Unlike many court decisions that affect only a few, this decision would impact millions of children. Chief Justice Earl Warren puts off the imp..
The fight against the racism of the Nazis in World War II raises the consciousness of Americans about racism in U.S. society. Black veterans return home with rising expectations, no longer willing to accept second-class ..
The black community begins to challenge the constraints segregation imposes. A new mass-based political movement begins to coalesce among black members of urban southern churches. Martin Luther King emerges as chief spok..
Eisenhower is one of the most popular and least experienced presidents of the 20th century. His cabinet is dominated by leaders from the world of business who want, like their president, to return America to its private ..
President Eisenhower seeks a nonmilitary solution in the struggle between the People's Republic of China and Taiwan in the Formosa Straits, and does not get involved in the Hungarian Revolution. Eisenhower's efforts to k..
The agreement ending hostilities in Korea is signed. Eisenhower feels that covert actions using the CIA is a better way to project American influence than military confrontations. The CIA overthrows the Prime Minister of..
Only weeks after Eisenhower becomes president Stalin dies, and the two superpowers begin to edge away from direct confrontation. American policy is cautious in relation to the 1953 East German uprising as the administrat..
The 1950s are not as calm and contented as the politics and popular culture of the era suggest. After decades of strained relations, an open battle against racial segregation begins. A series of suits challenge the cons..
Using parentheses to clarify an expression. Evaluating expressions containing parentheses within parentheses.
Fear and anxiety are part of the normal human condition. It's when the alarm system that protects us from danger starts malfunctioning that we have anxiety disorders and the host of subcategories that fall within this ca..