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Intelecom Collection
Showing 1981 to 1990 of 3483 Resources
Out of Balance: Emotionless Schizoid Disorder

Out of Balance: Emotionless Schizoid Disorder

People with emotionless schizoid disorders find it difficult to relate to anyone at all. In order to protect themselves they will set up relationships at a distance or no relationship at all which presents all kinds of s..

Out of Balance: Experiencing Psychological Disorders

Out of Balance: Experiencing Psychological Disorders

Stephen Hinshaw and Kay Redfield Jameson share their experiences with bipolar illness, one as a child whose father suffered from the disease, the other from a very personal point of view. The line between normality and a..

Out of Balance: Labeling Psychological Disorders

Out of Balance: Labeling Psychological Disorders

The psychiatry profession has created a mechanism for classifying psychological disorders, often referred to as DSM. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Psychiatric Disorders uses behavioral definitions to help men..

Out of Balance: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Out of Balance: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder is a condition in which people experience recurrent, unwanted thoughts they find disturbing. It is usually associated with compulsive rituals like hand washing to neutralize an obsession wit..

Out of Balance: Panic Attacks

Out of Balance: Panic Attacks

A panic attack is the rapid mobilization of the fight or flight fear response that creates fear as a result of the body's response. People fear they are losing control, or dying from a stroke or heart attack. People with..

Out of Balance: Personality Disorders

Out of Balance: Personality Disorders

Personality itself can become distorted to the point that psychological dysfunction becomes tightly interwoven with an individual's patterns of behavior. Such disorders are principally developmental in origin. There are ..

Out of Balance: Phobias

Out of Balance: Phobias

Many people are afraid of public speaking and go to great lengths to avoid it. Others are frightened of most social situations and avoid as many public events as possible. The concept of social cost is often at work. Sho..

Out of Balance: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Out of Balance: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

A person who suffers from posttraumatic stress disorder repeatedly re-experiences a disturbing event in their life. A scene of what happened pops into their mind or they alternately try to convince themselves that it cou..

Over the Edge: Continental Margins

Over the Edge: Continental Margins

The continental margin is the submerged outer edge of a continent. Comprised of granitic crust, the continental margin includes the continental shelf and continental slope.

Over the Edge: Deep Ocean Floor, The

Over the Edge: Deep Ocean Floor, The

Although it comprises more than half of Earth's surface area, the deep ocean floor was a region of near total mystery until fairly recently. Even now, efforts to map ocean basins are in their infancy.

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