At Hollenbeck Home, one of the country's oldest licensed residential centers, Rosaline and Ching-U Ip found a way to maintain their independence, yet be assured of support when they needed it. In addition to the resident..
Dr. Andrew Leuchter, Director of Adult Psychiatry at UCLA, talks about the use of alcohol by people who suffer from depression, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Dean Hamer, Director of the Gene Structure and Regulation Unit at the National Cancer Institute, observes that alcoholism, "...clearly has some genetic basis because, identical twins, even if they're raised apart, are ve..
Dr. Andrew Leuchter, Director of Adult Psychiatry at UCLA, talks about the way Alzheimer's disease sometimes presents itself as people age. Dr. Leuchter also discusses the impact of the illness, particularly when the aff..
Dr. Andrew Leuchter, Director of Adult Psychiatry at UCLA, explains that, "'s clear that there are genetic predispositions to development of Alzheimer's disease late in life..." Dr. Leuchter adds that some of those ..
Dr. Andrew Leuchter, Director of Adult Psychiatry at UCLA, explains that the brains of those afflicted with Alzheimer's disease have , "... characteristic neuropathology if one looks at the hippocampus area, which is the..
Dr. Andrew Leuchter, Director of Adult Psychiatry at UCLA, talks about the possible links between intellectual activity and Alzheimer's disease. "I'm a firm believer in use it or lose it," Dr. Leuchter explains. He also ..
Dr. Andrew Leuchter, Director of Adult Psychiatry at UCLA, talks about research into possible preventive measures for Alzheimer's disease. "In women, there's some suggestion that estrogen replacement therapy may help to ..
Most cases of domestic violence start with emotional violence. Suppressed rage in reaction to name calling or disrespect often erupts in violence.
Both the environment in which a child matures and his or her genetic nature contribute to aggressive behavior. Researchers studying a family in which male siblings all committed violent criminal acts found that the broth..