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Philosophy Collection
Aristotle and Social Justice

Aristotle and Social Justice

Philosopher Martha Nussbaum talks about Aristotle, whom she credits for inspiring modern day perspectives about what constitutes the quality of life in a country.

Aristotle on Knowledge

Aristotle on Knowledge

Philosopher Hubert Dreyfus says that Aristotle believed when people perform in an expert manner, it's because they have a skill to do so, not because they are following principles that are innate or learned.

Aristotle on Man as a Social and Political Animal

Aristotle on Man as a Social and Political Animal

Philosopher Martha Nussbaum talks about Aristotle's fundamental belief that human beings are not satisfied unless they are in "...a rich scheme of relationships with other people." Professor Nussbaum explains that Aristo..

Aristotle on the State

Aristotle on the State

Philosopher Charles Taylor talks about Aristotle's focus on free political society and self-rule. It was Aristotle who originated the concept of politics as a moral activity, a means by which people can act together not ..

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Philosopher Hubert Dreyfus talks about initial efforts in the late 1950's to give computers human-like intelligence, which came to be known as artificial intelligence, or "AI."

Artificial Intelligence and the Mind

Artificial Intelligence and the Mind

Philosopher Hilary Putnam talks about artificial intelligence, stating that the only things it has taught us about cognition is pattern recognition. He contends that it has taught us nothing about induction, natural lang..

Artificial Intelligence: The Common Sense Problem

Artificial Intelligence: The Common Sense Problem

Professor of Philosophy Hubert Dreyfus talks about recognizing early on that computers using only symbols and rules can't match what a human brain can do, because the machines lack what we call common sense.



Philosopher W.V. Quine talks about behaviorism, stressing that the explanation of an event has always got to be expressed in physical terms. As part of this discussion, he touches on how children learn language, noting t..

Behaviorism, Identity Theory and Functionalism

Behaviorism, Identity Theory and Functionalism

Philosopher John Searle explores various perspectives on the mind which he believes are all flawed, including behaviorism and identity theory, then discusses functionalism, which he says is essentially a combination of t..

Being and Nothingness: Jean Paul Sartre

Being and Nothingness: Jean Paul Sartre

Philosopher Hubert Dreyfus talks about Jean-Paul Sartre, who views all human activity as a way of trying to cover up our nothingness and delude ourselves into thinking that we have an identity, content and meaning in our..

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