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Cleary University Collection
Correlation Analysis

Correlation Analysis

Correlation video created by Dr. Alangar to be used in Statistics classes.

Cost of Capital FIN 400

Cost of Capital FIN 400

Uploaded by Dr. Alangar from FIN 605 ftp folder on December 15, 2014

Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics

This video was created by Dr. Alangar for the MBA Statistics class. This can be used in any statistics class.

Estimating required rate of return with CAPM

Estimating required rate of return with CAPM

Uploaded by Dr. Alangar on December 15, 2014 from FIN 605 ftp folder.

Estimating return of an equity using CAPM.

Estimating return of an equity using CAPM.

This video describes estimation of the required rate of return of an equity using CAPM.

FIN 400 Module 1

FIN 400 Module 1

Du-Pont Analysis, Fisher effect and Interest Rates on Corporate Bonds

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