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Intelecom Collection
Showing 2001 to 2010 of 3483 Resources
Parents and Children.: Gay and Lesbian Parenting

Parents and Children.: Gay and Lesbian Parenting

Profile of "Our Family Coalition," an organization that serves families with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender members in the San Francisco Bay area.

Parents and Children.: Parental Influence on Children

Parents and Children.: Parental Influence on Children

Parents usually exert a greater influence on their children than any other single factor. They serve as role models, communicate values, and shape the child's experiences.

Parents and Children.: Parenting and Adolescence

Parents and Children.: Parenting and Adolescence

Adolescence is the stage of life between childhood and adulthood. It is often a time of great confusion and conflicting emotions, both for adolescents and their parents.

Parents and Children.: Parenting and Social Class

Parents and Children.: Parenting and Social Class

A family's social class is one of the factors that shapes the relationship between parents and children. In addition, there is frequently a link between social class and the kind of values and behaviors parents teach t..



This clip looks at partnership as an option for legal organization. Some of the reasons partnerships are formed include the need for additional capital and the opportunity to take advantage of the diverse skills and tale..

Party Politics: Consistent Partisanship

Party Politics: Consistent Partisanship

In addition to researchers, party officials track the voting behavior of groups election to election, year after year. Changes in the party affiliation and vote of Asian Americans between 1992 and 2000, as well as trends..

Party Politics: Elections Won in the Center

Party Politics: Elections Won in the Center

Elections are won in the center and that is where both parties compete. Over the last decades of the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century the Republican right wing has been a more potent force than the l..

Party Politics: Evolution of the Democrat and Republican Parties

Party Politics: Evolution of the Democrat and Republican Parties

Republicans and Democrats of today bear little resemblance to their predecessors. From the time of Lincoln until the 1930s, Republicans were the great reformers who believe in active government whereas Democrats with the..

Party Politics: Ideological Differences Between Republicans and Democrats

Party Politics: Ideological Differences Between Republicans and Democrats

There are distinct ideological differences between Republicans and Democrats. In recent years the Republicans have become more coherent in their conservatism, whereas Democrats debate about whether or not the party shoul..

Party Politics: Party Activists More Extreme than Majority of Party Members

Party Politics: Party Activists More Extreme than Majority of Party Members

People who are activists in both the Republican and Democrat parties are more extreme than the American public in general. Republicans leaders are more conservative; Democrats more liberal. As a result there has been a g..

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