Despite partisan support, political parties are relatively weak in the United States. They still recruit candidates, raise money, and develop policy positions, but they do not control these activities as they once did. C..
There was no plan for a party system in the early days of the United States. It was thought there would be so many different factions that no one faction would survive. To the surprise of the citizens, two parties--the F..
Third parties in the United States have been unsuccessful largely because of the single-member-plurality system. Whoever comes in first wins the office. In parliamentary systems, the percentage of votes each party gets e..
There have been times in U. S. history when third parties have affected the outcome of an election. If a third party takes disproportionately from one party rather than the other they can be divisive. Ironically, Ross Pe..
The potentially responsible parties for the discharge of PCBs into the Fox River-the companies along the Fox River-propose the natural attenuation method of remediation. EPA does not consider this natural burial of the c..
Remediation efforts in the Great Lakes Basin are ongoing. Most of the industry is found along the rivers and tributaries, and the objective is to remediate the sediments before they are swept into the open lake. The goal..
The three main methods of remediation are hydraulic dredging, natural attenuation, and capping the contaminated sediments with a layer of clay or sand. Dredging is the preferred method because of its permanency. The cont..
The population of the Great Lakes region continues to suffer the health affects of PCBs. It is a probable carcinogen, it can affect the immune system, cause IQ deficits and problems integrating socially, and reproductive..
Areas that are not directly contaminated by industrial pollutants can be cross-contaminated through the migration of fish and water fowl. The Wold River is such a spot.
As industries began to proliferate around the Great Lakes and its tributaries, contamination also began to accumulate in its waters. PCBs, which do not biodegrade, were routinely discharged into the environment before sc..