Professor of history Gary Gerstle explains that immigration to the United States was relatively low during the period between 1924 and 1965. There were strict limits placed on the number of those who could come to the U...
Director of the National Economic Council and former Secretary of the Treasury Lawrence Summers talks about the importance of paying down the debt, particularly because the United States is, "...a country that chronicall..
Historian Peter Onuf explains that the 1783 Peace of Paris that followed the Revolutionary War was a mixed blessing for the Americans, because, "...much of American history for the next generation will be about the diffi..
The importance of orientation and training of new salespersons, and the responsibility of the sales manager to keep sales force motivated are explained.
Relations between people can be marked by aggression and violence, conditions that have both biological and psychological undertones. Jean Chen Chi has conducted experiments with the MAO-A gene that when missing in males..
Violence breeds in neighborhoods where children go to sleep at night hearing gunfire. It lurks behind the closed doors of a family home in which intimate partner violence and child abuse are a way of life. Children who g..
The behavior of those we're with can be contagious as John Bargh and his colleagues observed in a group of experiments. A volunteer who is asked to comment on a some pictures soon begins to mimic the mannerisms of the pe..
Most children are exposed to media violence. Research studies show that participants involved in immersive shooting experiences are more aggressive after the event than they were before. There is evidence that a small pe..
The desire to achieve a united front can get in the way of judgments that are based on a thorough analysis of relevant facts and alternate points of view. The results can be catastrophic as we saw when the Challenger spa..
Attitudes-- feelings based on beliefs-- predispose our reactions to objects, people, and events. The very thing that makes us intelligent beings is also that which allows us to fall prey to biases or mistaken perceptions..