Philosopher Hilary Putnam talks about philosophy since the time of Socrates. He notes that one constant about philosophy since the days of the ancient Greeks has been its concern with thinking carefully about how to live..
Philosopher W.V. Quine talks about what philosophy means to him and what philosophers do. He states that philosophy is very closely related to science and that there isn't a clear boundary between them.
Philosopher Stephen Toulmin argues that neither Immanuel Kant nor Jeremy Bentham believed that there's an absolute moral formula that can be applied in all cases.
Philosopher Stephen Toulmin elaborates on his thoughts regarding Kant, Bentham and ethics. Professor Toulmin points out that when Kant wrote general treatises on the philosophy of ethics, his intent was not to provide ax..
Philosopher Martha Nussbaum explains that Greek philosophers tried to convince people to consult them with their problems, rather than going to astrologers and magicians. Professor Nussbaum notes that philosophy can play..
Adsorption is a process that may be considered as either a chemical or a physical treatment method. The forces that hold the adsorbed substance to the surface of an adsorbing material are chemical, but the material itse..
Centrifuges, such as the baghouse, possess several environmental advantages over surface filtration. As an enclosed unit, it can contain volatile or toxic fumes and mists. Additionally, the fixed barrier used in a cent..
Particulate matter created as a result of burning coal may be too hot to draw through a baghouse. With an electrostatic precipitator, the hot, dirty stream of exhaust gas passes through a densely spaced series of plates..
Filtration is one of the most common techniques for physical separation, and is used to remove solids from both gaseous and liquid streams. It is frequently used in the treatment of waste water.
The use of gravity is often the most economical method of separating solids from a liquid. In a sedimentation tank, heavier particles sink to the bottom and are collected in a trough. When particles, like clay, are too..