Teachers may strive to engage students fully in every lesson, but that certainly does not always occur. With mobile devices (e.g., iPads and smartphones) and educational apps, students are in a better position than ever ..
Presentation Abstract: Web 2.0 tools such as podcasts, blogs, wikis, and online video have exploded in popularity. Students often use YouTube, Wikipedia and their favorite blogs and podcasts as their primary sources of i..
The presentation describes a new First Year Seminar designed to encourage incoming Drew students to pay attention to their screen time and how online behavior affects their 'real' lives. Students will study the larger de..
Presentation Abstract: As our students spend more time on the Internet and less time with actual physical texts, it becomes essential for educators to adopt new tools to teach the pedagogy of English composition and writ..
This session shares the results of the Global Interconnection Index, run by Equinix, the first study of its kind to take a detailed look at Interconnections role as an essential building block of the global digital econo..
Presentation Abstract: The Web offers unique opportunity for students from around the world to establish communicative relationships with each other. Two academics from Australia and the United States decided to explore ..
This session will address several of the changes occurring in the research and education computing environment, such as exponential growth in traffic in a time of limited funds. The need for trust and identity solutions..
We will be presenting a powerpoint demonstration of how we are able to use our LMS, Sakai, to present self-guiding learning modules, foster a sense of community by engaging in forum posts between peer groups and host low..
At Montclair State University, the Instructional Design team is collaborating with the General Education Committee, headed by Dr. Kirk McDermid, to pilot the implementation assessment of Learning Outcomes across a divers..
Presentation Abstract: Digital storytelling can be a powerful tool for improving teaching and learning regardless of the subject matter or discipline. While providing students with a forum in which to tell their stories ..