In the years following the first Earth Day and the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency, regulatory goals focused on "end-of-pipe" solutions to capture and treat waste before it contaminated the environme..
The oil industry has traditionally challenged many environmental regulations. So, in 1989, when California's South Coast Air Quality Management District proposed sweeping changes that would lead to the elimination of ga..
Equations in which the exponent of the variable is always one and the variable never appears as a divisor or under a radical sign are called polynomial equations of degree one.
Three types of polynomials are defined: monomials, binomials, and trinomials.
Experiments on the effects of lighting at the Hawthorne Division of the Western Electric Company in Chicago in the 1920's led to startling and unexpected results concerning motivation. Researchers found that workers can ..
Psychologist and author Paul Ekman talks about the lengths to which some people will go to experience emotions that are positive or to avoid those that are negative. "Without emotions," Dr. Ekman concludes, "our lives wo..
Former Secretary of State James A. Baker explains that, " was easy during the Cold War to know what you were for. You were for anything the Soviet Union was against and you were against anything the Soviet Union was..
Professor of history Gary Gerstle talks about the racial fallout that ensued as many African-Americans moved from the rural south to the urban north in the 1940's and beyond. "These Blacks are coming into urban centers p..
Professor of history Gary Gerstle talks about the shifting labor market in the years following World War II. "Most of the servicemen who had gone abroad...if they had had jobs in the private sector before they left were,..
Experimental psychologist and author Elizabeth Loftus talks about the drowning death of her mother and explains how recalling that event brought the subject of memory distortion home to Dr. Loftus and her family years la..