Shortly after he takes office, Jackson finds himself embroiled in a controversy with his vice-president John C. Calhoun. As a South Carolinian, Calhoun's future political hopes may well depend on how effectively he can n..
As Jackson takes office, he and his followers are eager to extend the opportunities for government service. Many positions in the Executive Branch had been held by the Eastern establishment for a generation or more. Alth..
South Carolina's nullification challenge and a controversy over the disposition of Western lands provoke a series of debates on the floor of Congress between South Carolina Senator Robert Haynes and the venerable Whig fr..
Professor of American studies and history Matthew Frye Jacobson says that questions are always rooted in their historical moment. "There are interests in certain kinds of knowledge over other kinds of knowledge...and in ..
American history professor Alice Kessler-Harris traces the history of professional women in the United States, from the colonial period to modern times.
A small garrison of federal troops at Fort Sumter, a new fort under construction in Charleston Harbor, is running out of food and supplies in March, 1861. In response to Commander Anderson's appeal for help President Lin..
Southern states begin attacking federal forts, Fort Pickering in Florida and Fort Sumter in the Charleston harbor. President Buchanan takes a firm stand against this action, but there is little he actually does to interc..
Citizens of North and South rush to volunteer their services, wanting to get into the action before the skirmish is over. Neither side has guns, uniforms, or any kind of organization. Winfield Scott, commanding general f..
As a practical matter Lincoln believes in gradual emancipation. His army officers ask for specific guidance on what to do with the slaves they find in captured territories. Although Southerners contend that blacks unders..
In a message sent to Congress on July 4, 1861, Lincoln disputes any state's right to secede. The Southern states say they would never have signed the Constitution if they had not believed they could withdraw if faced wit..