The Republicans have no trouble electing yet another Virginia candidate in 1816. It isn't even much of a contest. James Monroe, former secretary of state and Revolutionary War veteran is 61 years old when he takes office..
During the Monroe years as president battles continue between those who favor a strong federal government and those who are suspicious of centralized control. In almost every instance, the decisions of the Supreme Court ..
Experimental psychologist and author Elizabeth Loftus talks about "prestige enhancing memory distortions," and explains that these are sometimes responsible for two people witnessing the same event, but remembering diffe..
This clip profiles a company that makes custom quilts and toys. The owner explains that setting prices has always been a challenge, but notes that positioning her company as a high-end manufacturer of custom products has..
This clip talks about the importance of establishing pricing goals, noting that pricing shouldn't be determined solely on the basis of costs and desired profit margin, but as part of the overall marketing mix. Competitor..
Basic formulas for calculating markup, markdown and cost, and how to apply the concept of percent to markup and markdown problems.
This clip explores a number of commonly used pricing strategies, including odd pricing, skimming pricing, follow-the-leader pricing, and penetration pricing.
This clip notes that the total cost of operating a business must be considered before the small business owner makes pricing decisions. The clip also talks about the difference between fixed and variable costs.
Former White House press secretary Mike McCurry talks about the primary system, likening it to a marathon in which, "...only those who are fittest and sharpest and most determined make it to the end."
This clip explains that with larger numbers, it's more difficult to "Â…just examine the number, see some factors, examine those and so on until you're done." In such cases, the clip explains, there's another method of fi..