This clip contrasts the number twelve, which can be factored in several ways, with the number thirteen, which can only be factored as thirteen times one. The clip states that the question of whether or not a whole number..
This clip introduces factoring, explaining in the process that every number equals itself times one, and that the order of the numbers doesn't matter in factoring.
This clip states one of the most basic laws of arithmetic: every number has one and only one prime factorization. The clip also explains how to determine that factorization, using a process known as branching. The clip a..
This clip explains that when the factorization of a whole number consists entirely of prime numbers (as with the number thirty, factored into two times three times five), the result is what's known as a prime factorizati..
This clip explains the difference between prime numbers and composite numbers. It also talks about how the Greeks figured out which numbers are primes and which are not.
This clip summarizes prime numbers, explaining the difference between prime and composite numbers, and demonstrating how to use the sieve of Eratosthenes to find prime numbers. The clip also explains prime factorization,..
The relationships of principals and agents are sometimes complex, and there are many factors which influence the liability of each. This lesson explains that the principal is responsible for many of the acts of the agent..
Professor of Law and Medicine Alex Capron talks about ethical lapses that sometimes take place because of the increasingly bottom line orientation of modern hospitals.
Nobel Prize winning professor of psychology Daniel Kahneman talks about intuitive responses, probability and stereotypes.
Writing a system of equations to find the length and width of a rectangle, given the perimeter, and using the formula for finding the perimeter of a rectangle.