The standard form for a quadratic equation is ax2 bx = 0. It is not always clear whether an equation is a quadratic equation until it is simplified. Any equation that can be written in stand form is a quadratic equatio..
Television news correspondent, presidential advisor and university professor Marvin Kalb talks about the qualities necessary for an American Secretary of State to be great. Chief among these attributes, according to Mr. ..
In recent decades, the concept of control, especially quality control, has been undergoing a revolution of sorts. To some extent this has been driven by innovative organizational and management techniques first utilized ..
Philosopher Hilary Putnam talks about the challenge philosophers face in trying to interpret scientific functions --such as quantum mechanics-- when the effects are observable, but the function itself is not.
The national outlook towards government and what we expect from it has changed. Many areas once assumed to be the purview of state or local governments, like pollution control, now have federal and international dimensio..
While the responsibilities of government have increased overall, states have retained most of their traditional authority. The fact that city and state politics generally has more to do with individual lives than the nat..
Unlike many other decisions made at the Constitutional Convention, federalism was not based on established political theory. It was a solution to a problem. The national government formed under the Articles of Confederat..
Richard Nixon tried to "rationalize" the system by sorting out the functions of government at each level. He developed a program of general revenue sharing which gave federal grants without strings to state and local gov..
Each new administration renegotiates the tightrope between national and state jurisdiction. Many of the important programs of the New Deal were intergovernmental in nature, what is often called cooperative federalism The..
In recent years, the freedom Congress once had in using the commerce clause to justify federal action has again come under the Supreme Court's scrutiny. During the era of the Rehnquist Court, for example, the court overt..