Introduces the legal concept of property and the rights associated with owning it.
Philosopher Daniel Dennett talks about the power of language. He observes that it is language that gives humans the ability to look into the future, as well as to reflect and reason in ways other organisms cannot.
Philosopher Charles Taylor talks about ways in which one's identity is worked out with other people. He discusses the paramount importance of recognition, by which he means acceptance for what you are by people that real..
Dr. Andrew Leuchter, Director of Adult Psychiatry at UCLA, talks about the differences between what he calls, "...normal ups and downs," and depression. Dr. Leuchter says that when someone is down for weeks at a time, "...
Identifying terms within an algebraic expression.
In searching for a pool of qualified applicants from which to fill a position, companies use a number of different sources, from employment agencies to educational and local community organizations, to their own employee..
Professor of Sociology and Public Policy Dalton Conley talks about the origins of the discriminatory lending practice known as "redlining."
Philosopher Charles Taylor discusses his ideas about what he calls "reductive theories of human beings." Professor Taylor explains that, by reductive, he means simplifying explanations and ideas that normally require "ri..
Psychologist and author Paul Ekman talks about the difficulty of trying to control or regulate one's emotions. "For some people, it'll be easier to achieve," Dr. Ekman says, "because nature gave them more of a gap betwee..
Dr. Andrew Leuchter, Director of Adult Psychiatry at UCLA, explains that treating schizophrenia involves more than just medication. He talks about the importance of rehabilitation and re-integration into society, the fam..