Historian Peter Onuf explores the complicated personal relationship between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Professor Onuf explains that the two worked very closely for years, but then went through a period of strained ..
Former Secretary of State James A. Baker explains that, in regards to China, "...We need to engage and, in effect, cooperate where our interests are congruent but, where they diverge, we need to confront."
The process of becoming part of a stepfamily can be very challenging for children, especially if their parents have divorced. In some cases, children feel resentment towards a new stepparent suddenly taking on the role..
Many adults struggle with their new and sometimes very challenging stepparent role, especially if they have never been a parent before.
Despite what can at times seem like an overwhelming number of obstacles, the stepfamily experience can be a positive one for adults and children alike.
The challenges of forming a stepfamily are explored, including the process of working through the end of a previous marriage and taking on the role of stepparent.
Similarities and differences between first marriages and remarriages are explored. While there are many aspects of remarriage that are similar to first-time marriage, there are often additional factors involved, especi..
Former Secretary of State James A. Baker looks back on his eight years working in the Reagan White House. Secretary Baker explains that one of President Reagan's greatest strengths was his ability to make those around hi..
Experimental psychologist and author Elizabeth Loftus talks about our ability to remember significant events, even if they took place years earlier. But like any memories, these are subject to change, distortion and cont..
This clip explains that all fractions can be organized into families or classes. For example, the clip continues, 1/2, 2/4, 3/6, 4/8 and 5/10 and so on all belong to the same class. Another example is any fraction whose ..