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Sociology Collection
Showing 231 to 240 of 242 Resources
When I Grow Up: Women Who Act Tough

When I Grow Up: Women Who Act Tough

Author and feminist Betty Friedan talks about the "war between the sexes," noting that, at one time, the mere mention of the words "my wife" in comedy routines made the audience laugh.

Working: Division of Household Labor

Working: Division of Household Labor

Although there have been significant changes in the division of household labor in recent decades, many contend that the primary responsibility continues to rest with women.

Working: Gender in the Workplace

Working: Gender in the Workplace

Gender has always been and remains important in the workplace. On average, men make more money than women do; their career trajectories are also frequently different, often due to stereotyping and traditional perspectiv..

Working: Government, Business and Family Policy

Working: Government, Business and Family Policy

At one time, businesses didn't have to worry about families because most women were home taking care of their children full-time. With women now in the workforce in large numbers, that has changed. Still, many companie..

Working: Profile of a Childcare Center

Working: Profile of a Childcare Center

The need to balance the responsibilities of childcare and employment is an ongoing challenge for most working parents. In Temecula, California, "Our Kids Childcare Center" helps parents meet that need.

Working: Working Couples and Marital Stability

Working: Working Couples and Marital Stability

Whether due to gender role conflict or other factors, the stress brought on when both adults work outside the home can have a significant impact on marital stability.

Working: Working Women and Childcare

Working: Working Women and Childcare

Finding suitable childcare has increasingly become an important issue for nearly all working parents. In large part, this has come about because massive structural changes in the U.S. economy have brought working women..

Worlds Apart: Advantages of Wealthy Nations

Worlds Apart: Advantages of Wealthy Nations

Approximately ninety-six percent of research and development is carried out in the more economically advanced countries. These nations dominate innovation and the ability to transform technological breakthroughs into ma..

Worlds Apart: Assistance from Affluent Nations

Worlds Apart: Assistance from Affluent Nations

Even if advanced nations resolve to help those countries that are less affluent, the question of how exactly to do that can be enormously challenging.

Worlds Apart: Global Care Chain, The

Worlds Apart: Global Care Chain, The

One aspect of globalization has been called by some the "global care chain." This is the migration of women from primarily third world countries to countries that are more advanced economically. These women come to count..

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