Once opinion writing is complete and the justices have reviewed it, the Court's decision and the vote margin are announced at the next open session. The opinion explains the reasons behind the decision from the point of ..
The fact that judges and justices are chosen through a partisan political process should not be interpreted to mean that they engage in blatant partisanship while on the bench. As officers of the court, a separate branch..
Every important political question eventually becomes a judicial question as evidenced by Bush v. Gore when the Supreme Court stopped the vote recount in Florida. There is the tendency to think that truth and justice are..
The selection of lower court nominees has its own set of problems. Although the president is generally not as involved in the process, it is becoming more difficult to recruit legal talent because of the income different..
Legal scholars are asked to comment on qualifications and characteristics they think are important for nominees to the federal bench. Douglas Kmiec favors nominees who are "learned in the law and...capable, based on expe..
Selecting the cases for any given court year begins the summer before the Supreme Court's term begins. Law clerks assigned to each justice reduce the number of petitions that will be placed on the discuss list. If four j..
Each state has its own court system, with the State Supreme Courts having the final say on what the state law is, and the U. S. Supreme Court stepping in with the final say on federal law. When the Federal Gun Free Schoo..
A president's opportunity to appoint someone to the Supreme Court extends his or her influence long past the presidential term. The selection of a nominee is primarily influenced by ideological compatibility, identity po..
Two rules for combining inequalities.
The rule for multiplying two monomials and an example demonstrating its execution.