Multiply a long expression by a monomial by working term-by-term, multiplying each term in the longer expression by the monomial.
Rules for subtracting one algebraic expression from another and a step-by-step demonstration.
Most of the rules for working with rational expressions are the same as the rules for working with rational numbers.
Paul Ehrlich, best known for his work on population growth, explores the issue of energy and availability of fossil fuels. According to Dr.Ehrlich, the biggest threat posed by reliance on such fuels is not running out of..
The Puritans find it difficult to establish the godly community they had envisioned for several reasons. In order to have a viable colony, they admit craftsmen and artisans who are not necessarily godly but have the skil..
New England colonists, in contrast with Chesapeake settlers, are more interested in staying put than spreading out. But as rapid population growth overtakes them, people inevitably begin to move beyond town boundaries. S..
The communities created in New England are more tightly clustered than the English villages they had left. Generally families have two plots of land, one in the center for their home and one on the outskirts of the commu..
Over the course of the first ten years, the Puritans convert the charter of the Massachusetts Bay Company into a functioning constitution for their colony The town meeting becomes the cornerstone of community life as loc..
In September of 1620, 35 "saints" and 67 "strangers" set sail from Plymouth, England to establish a second permanent English colony in North America. These Puritans, in conflict with the king and the upper hierarchy of t..
The new world transforms the lives of the Puritans in many respects, but they still remain a product of their culture. For example, the fact that some of the colonists had encountered Irish resistance to colonization inf..