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Intelecom Collection
Showing 2521 to 2530 of 3483 Resources
Scientific Truth

Scientific Truth

Philosopher Ian Hacking makes the point that that there are many ways of looking at scientific truth, depending on the particular science involved. For example, he points out that botany, which he calls "basically a clas..

Sea Level Change Over Time

Sea Level Change Over Time

Renowned oceanographer and geophysicist Walter Munk talks about the rise in sea level since the last Ice Age. Professor Munk notes that the geologic record indicates that sea level has risen by one hundred and twenty met..

Seafloor Spreading and Plate Tectonics (Part 1)

Seafloor Spreading and Plate Tectonics (Part 1)

Geophysicist and geologist Tanya Atwater talks about the role of seafloor spreading and spreading centers in the plate tectonics process.

Seafloor Spreading and Plate Tectonics (Part 2)

Seafloor Spreading and Plate Tectonics (Part 2)

Geophysicist and geologist Tanya Atwater talks about the Deep Sea Drilling Project and the confirmation of magnetic reversals that provided strong evidence of seafloor spreading and plate tectonics.

Seafloor Spreading: Harry Hess

Seafloor Spreading: Harry Hess

Geophysicist and geologist Tanya Atwater talks about seafloor spreading, an idea first articulated by Harry Hess that many consider to be the linchpin of plate tectonics.

Seafloor Spreading: Vine and Matthews

Seafloor Spreading: Vine and Matthews

Geophysicist and geologist Tanya Atwater talks about work done by Fred Vine and Drummond Matthews that ultimately provided proof of seafloor spreading by tracking the patterns of magnetic striping on the ocean floor.

Seasonal Demand

Seasonal Demand

This clip notes that one of the more challenging aspect of managing working capital is seasonal demand.

Second Jefferson Administration, The

Second Jefferson Administration, The

Historian Peter Onuf explores Thomas Jefferson's strategy of using "aggressive commercial diplomacy" (in the form of an embargo and sanctions) as an alternative to war.

Seductiveness of Mania, The

Seductiveness of Mania, The

Professor of psychiatry and author Kay Redfield Jamison explains that the drive to continue experiencing the rush of mania in its early stages is very powerful.

Selecting the Right Location: Region and City

Selecting the Right Location: Region and City

This clip looks at some of the options for where to locate a business. The initial decision involves what region and then what city in which to locate. Some of the factors that go into the decision include location of cu..

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