Philosopher Charles Taylor discusses his notion of the self, stating that, "...if a self has an identity, then a self has to live in the horizon of some or other idea of unconditional worth."
Philosopher Charles Taylor talks about the ways in which the concept of "the self" has changed over time. He begins by talking about Plato and then moves through other major philosophers, including Augustine and Descarte..
Philosopher Charles Taylor continues his discussion of the self, tracing the evolution of the concept over time. Professor Taylor talks about the modern perspective of the self, which he describes as being two kinds of i..
Continuing his discussion of the self in historical context, philosopher Charles Taylor talks about the progression of ideas about the self from Descartes through John Locke. It was from Locke that what Professor Taylor ..
Examines the opportunities and potential rewards of a career in personal selling, and compares the potential rewards, recognition, security, and opportunities for income and advancement available in personal selling to t..
Former Secretary of Labor and university professor Robert Reich talks about his approach to the Senate approval process after being named President Clinton's choice to be Secretary of Labor. "Rather than answer their que..
Professor of Sociology and History Craig Calhoun discusses the sociological dimensions of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. He focuses primarily on the aftermath of that day, looking at everything from the respon..
Dean Hamer, Director of the Gene Structure and Regulation Unit at the National Cancer Institute, talks about the chemical serotonin and the role it plays in the brain. As it turns out, harm avoidance is controlled by ser..
Dean Hamer, Director of the Gene Structure and Regulation Unit at the National Cancer Institute, continues his comments about serotonin. Dr. Hamer explains that in addition to making people feel depressed, serotonin seem..
Former Secretary of State James A. Baker notes that the Secretary of the Treasury has more latitude in determining what to concentrate on than does the Secretary of State. "You're a little bit more hostage to what happen..