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Showing 2661 to 2670 of 3125 Resources
The Prophetic Prerogative (1 of 2)

The Prophetic Prerogative (1 of 2)

The Rev. William A. Jones Jr. discusses the rights a preacher has to critique and complain about the status of their congregation and the world. He talks about the struggles preachers face and the wish for God to imbue h..

The Prophetic Prerogative (2 of 2)

The Prophetic Prerogative (2 of 2)

The Rev. William A. Jones Jr. discusses the rights a preacher has to critique and complain about the status of their congregation and the world. He talks about the struggles preachers face and the wish for God to imbue h..

The Question That Matters Most

The Question That Matters Most

The Bethany Hour. Scripture lesson from Matthew 27:11-22. Jones discusses the many meanings of the question "What shall I do then with Jesus?" asked by Pontius Pilate. Sermon begins at 0:33:05.

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