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Showing 2701 to 2710 of 3125 Resources

The Spider Web on Brooklyn Bridge

Postcard is a black and white photo of the Brooklyn Bridge in NYC. The postcard is named due to the cable suspensions creating a spider web-like effect. The postcard is divided, has not been mailed, and is circa 1986- T..

The Spiders Web on Brooklyn Bridge

Postcard is a black and white photo of the Brooklyn Bridge in NYC. The postcard is undivided and has a postmark date of December 1, 1906. The picture side reads: A 139 The Spiders Web, Brooklyn Bridge, N.Y. City Copyrig..

The Strange Justice of our God (1 of 2)

The Strange Justice of our God (1 of 2)

The Bethany Hour. Scripture lesson from Matthew 20:16. The Rev. William A. Jones Jr. discusses themes of selfishness, greed, justice and equality. Sermon begins at 0:15:39.

The Strange Justice of our God (2 of 2)

The Strange Justice of our God (2 of 2)

The Bethany Hour. Scripture lesson from Matthew 20:16. The Rev. William A. Jones Jr. discusses themes of selfishness, greed, justice and equality. Sermon begins immediately.

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