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Showing 2871 to 2880 of 3125 Resources

US Navy Yard Postcard to Emma

Postcard is a black and white real-photo of the U.S. Navy Yard in Brooklyn, New York. The postcard is undivided and has a postmark date of February 2, 1907. The picture side reads: U.S. Navy Yard, Brooklyn, N.Y. No. 7..

Undesirable Divinity

Undesirable Divinity

The Bethany Hour. The scripture lesson is from Isaiah 53:1-5. The Rev. William A. Jones Jr. discusses ideas and depictions of Jesus being influenced by cultural obsessions with physical beauty and that to know the real J..

Undiluted Devotion

Undiluted Devotion

The Bethany Hour. The scripture lesson is from Mark 12:43-44. The Rev. William A. Jones Jr. discusses how one might measure devotion. The sermon begins at 0:14:35.

Undiluted Devotion part 1 (1)
Undiluted Devotion part 1 (2)
Undiluted Devotion part 2 (1)

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