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The Bethany Hour. The scripture lesson is from Matthew 1:18-25. The Rev. William A. Jones Jr. discusses different expressions of the meaning of Christmas and reasons God chose to send Jesus into the world of men. The ser..
The Bethany Hour. The scripture lesson is from Acts 17:22-31. The Rev. William A. Jones Jr. discusses racism as a form of idolatry. He talks about this type of ignorance as being formally rejected by God and as told to t..
The Bethany Hour. Scripture lesson from Mark 11:1-11. This is a service honoring an anniversary for the Rev. William A. Jones with a guest pastor, Rev. Joseph L. Johnson from the West Oakland Missionary Baptist Church in..
This is the second half of this recording. The Bethany Hour. Scripture lesson from Mark 11:1-11. This is a service honoring an anniversary for the Rev. William A. Jones with a guest pastor, Rev. Joseph L. Johnson from th..
The Rev. William A. Jones Jr. discusses how no one is free from sin and the opportunity for redemption. The Bethany Hour. The scripture lesson is from John 8:1-11. The sermon begins at 0:23:29.