There are systematic errors that are often made in judging one alternative versus another, one treatment versus another. It is important to be able to interpret the kinds of words physicians use to indicate probabilities..
How does a profession as immense as the medical community maintain quality control? "We rat on our own," says David Goldstein. "We're dealing with people's lives." The Internet provides consumers with evaluative informat..
The insurance plan that is selected often influences the choice of a primary care physician who will provide periodic checkups, suggest preventive strategies, and respond when illness strikes. The primary care doctor rec..
The complexity of the medical system in the United States is difficult for an outsider to understand, in part because there are so many options. From a practical point of view most people choose to enroll in a private or..
Chinese medicine, as practiced by Dr. Ka Kit Hui, uses a systems approach to healthcare. "I'm very interested to solve problems, and I think that different healing traditions have their unique strengths and weaknesses." ..
The question of who decides about access to healthcare in a particular circumstance is a major issue facing this nation. Kidney dialysis was just such an issue before it became a Medicare entitlement. Today patients and ..
Chrome plating is known for its bright silver, metallic appearance and is used as a decorative finish for hub caps, door knobs and water faucets. Nickel cadmium and zinc provide a protective finish that is used on build..
Preparation of the metal surface is the first step in the electroplating process. In order for solutions to properly contact the workpiece, that workpiece must be free of any oil or dirt. The choice of cleaning methods..
Once the part has been cleaned, it is ready to receive the electroplating. One way of plating large quantities of small workpieces at the same time is by barrel plating. In this process, large, plastic barrels are fill..
The processes of electroplating, anodizing and galvanizing produce several different wastestreams, including contaminated wastewaters, metallic sludges, and air emissions. In most plating shops, the bulk of the waste co..