Meta DuEwa Jones interviews Elizabeth Alexander, camera stays on Alexander
00:40 Byron Bullock speaks; 02:40 Mellasenah Morris plays piano; 08:18 Bullock speaks; 13:36 JMU Contemporary Gospel Singers perform
00:00 video opens during a performance by the JMU Contemporary Gospel Singers; 14:34 Byron Bullock introduces Val Gray Ward; 18:05 Ward takes stage, speaks and sings, video cuts off while she's speaking
Val Gray Ward speaks and sings
00:25 Val Gray Ward speaks and sings; 12:15 Byron Bullock speaks; 14:18 Bernice Johnson Reagon speaks and performs, Kathryn Harris acts as sign-language interpreter
Bernice Johnson Reagon speaks and performs, playing a drum, Kathryn Harris acts as sign-language interpreter
Bernice Johnson Reagon speaks and performs, playing a curious shaker instument and then drum, Kathryn Harris acts as sign-language interpreter
Footage of Margaret Walker speaking, interspliced with narration from various individuals
00:00 Various speakers are heard but not seen, test screen is displayed and then camera focuses on an empty table on stage; 2:58 camera finally focuses on unidentified speaker; 03:45 D .J. Renegade speaks; 07:30 Ta-Nehis..
00:00 Continuance of Gwendolyn Brooks speaking and reading (from part 1); 46:30 tribute to Brooks by Haki R. Madhubuti; 51:27 tribute from Joanne V. Gabbin