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Psychology Collection
Codes of Life: Temperament Studies

Codes of Life: Temperament Studies

Temperament, or behavioral style, seems to be genetically influenced, as parents with several children will attest. Jerome Kagan highlights three areas in which researchers find temperamental biases: reaction to thin..

Combating Prejudice

Combating Prejudice

Social psychologist Mahzarin Banaji talks about taking the Implicit Association Test herself and what it taught her. She says that the process of coming to grips with her own test results gave her a greater understanding..

Connections: Connecting Despite the Loss of Sight or Hearing

Connections: Connecting Despite the Loss of Sight or Hearing

Helen Keller, who was both blind and deaf, said that to her deafness was more bothersome than blindness. Her blindness, she said, kept her from things; deafness separated her from people. For David Myers who is on a traj..

Connections: Does the Brain Record Sensations Without Our Conscious Awareness?

Connections: Does the Brain Record Sensations Without Our Conscious Awareness?

How much of what we see or hear, taste, smell, or touch, is actually recorded by the brain without our conscious awareness? One method psychologists use to study this phenomenon is to study people who have had damage to ..

Connections: Features Detected by Individual Neurons

Connections: Features Detected by Individual Neurons

In recent decades, researchers like David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel have been able to chart patterns of neural activity in relation to certain stimuli. Too often, however, research is focused on a single neuron rather tha..

Connections: Role of the Thalamas, The

Connections: Role of the Thalamas, The

Except for olfaction, input signals traveling along sensory pathways are routed through relay areas in the thalamus. Beyond serving as a way station, the role of the thalamus is a source of debate. Parts of the thalamus ..

Connections: Sensing the World: The Absolute Threshold

Connections: Sensing the World: The Absolute Threshold

The minimum stimulation necessary to detect reliability a particular stimuli is called the absolute threshold. Thresholds can vary depending on a person's experience and expectations, or level of fatigue. A remarkable qu..

Connections: Sensing the World: The Difference Threshold

Connections: Sensing the World: The Difference Threshold

Humans, as well as other animal species, have the ability to detect small variations in stimuli (the difference threshold) . The fact that sensitivity is reduced after sustained exposure to stimuli, like the clothes a pe..

Connections: Sensory Signals: Destination Cortex

Connections: Sensory Signals: Destination Cortex

The ultimate destination for sensory signals is the cerebral cortex. The cortex is a crumpled sheet, a few millimeters thick, wrapped around the exterior of the brain. In the primary visual cortex there is a hierarchy of..

Connections: World of Sensory Stimuli, A

Connections: World of Sensory Stimuli, A

As attuned as people think they are to the world, their senses take in only a fraction of the energy that surrounds them. Most animal species have many more than the five primary senses ascribed to humans. Many animals h..

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