Lectures and labs are the heart of the college academic experience, and for students eager to make the most of them, active listening and note-taking are powerful learning tools. This two-section program explains how to ..
Many Latinos in the American Southwest wear amulets and perform certain practices different from their fellow Latino Catholics—and are discovering only now, to their great amazement, that they are descended from Jews w..
This program helps students understand the proper space allocation for the main elements of a two-dimensional advertisement, including the illustration, headline, copy, and logo. The discussion covers the question of whe..
Once advertising students have assimilated a basic knowledge of visual principles, they can move on to more advanced working methods—the ones that garner awards as well as customers. This program shows how to attract a..
What do modern art, a symphony, and a documentary film have in common? They all require aesthetic considerations. This program presents the ideas of key figures in the shaping and understanding of aesthetics--from Plato,..
Eugene O’Neill’s nostalgic paean to the rites of adolescence is also an idealized version of the boyhood and warm family life O’Neill never had. The affectionate comedy—set against a backdrop of turn-of-the centu..
Most foods that are purchased for everyday consumption and which pass through some form of industrialized processing contain additives of one type or another. In a sense, humans have used food additives for thousands of ..
Diversity from immigration keeps cities alive, former Senator Bill Bradley (D-NJ) and other leaders assert in this program; opposing views are also presented, thus summarizing America's immigration debate with mixed eval..
To travel the Mediterranean is to sail into a past that scattered Roman temples in Lebanon, Greek theaters in Jordan, and Phoenician houses in Tunisia. This program studies the unifying influence of the Mediterranean on ..