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Harry A. Sprague Library Collection
Showing 291 to 300 of 462 Resources
Race: the power of an illusion

Race: the power of an illusion

This program challenges one of our most fundamental beliefs that human beings come divided into a few distinct groups. It provides a look at why race is not biologically meaningful yet nonetheless very real. Contains th..

Racial profiling and law enforcement: America in black and white

Racial profiling and law enforcement: America in black and white

DWB: Driving While Black. For many African-Americans, simply having dark skin seems to be grounds for being pulled over on the highway and searched for drugs. Police call it "profiling," based on years of successful drug..

Racial stereotypes in the media

Racial stereotypes in the media

Although demeaning and offensive racial stereotypes were pervasive in popular media of every kind during the 20th century, most observers would agree that the media is much more sensitive to representations of race today..

Recognizing Child Abuse

Recognizing Child Abuse

Kids who grow up facing brutality and neglect are lucky if a teacher or daycare provider catches on. Tragically, child abuse often goes unnoticed—and if a first-responder does detect it, he or she may not understand wh..

Recognizing Online Propaganda, Bias, and Advertising

Recognizing Online Propaganda, Bias, and Advertising

While their motives aren’t always evil, people who bend the truth don’t usually do so for the greater good, either. The online world is no exception—in fact, it’s a paradise for purveyors of hype, pseudo-journali..

Red Dawn

Red Dawn

This program shows the logic of the events that led from the failure of czarist leadership—from repression, economic unrest, massive war casualties, and seemingly uncaring behavior by the government—to the success of..

Religion and America's Role in the World: An Anthology

Religion and America's Role in the World: An Anthology

Since its debut, Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly has set itself apart from the mainstream media by providing in-depth coverage and analysis of national and international events in the ever-changing religious world. This 12-..

Religions of the Book: Women Serving Religion

Religions of the Book: Women Serving Religion

One of the most visible issues facing Judaism, Christianity, and Islam is the role of women serving religion. Because of religious and cultural conditioning in the past, women in all three religions have experienced limi..

Remember the Maine: the roots of the Spanish-American War

Remember the Maine: the roots of the Spanish-American War

"The U.S.S. Maine Blown Up in Havana Harbor - 268 Men Lost" shouted the headlines of the day. Using archival footage, newspaper excerpts, and historical documents, this program traces the roots of the Spanish-American Wa..

Remote Sensing

Remote Sensing

In Biemann’s latest video, she traces the routes and reasons of women who travel across the globe for work in the sex industry. By using the latest images from NASA satellites, the film investigates the consequences of..

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