Explorer and environmentalist Jean-Michel Cousteau talks about the adverse effects of waste, heavy metals and other chemicals on the ocean and marine life.
The Del Amo neighborhood of Los Angles is the location of two adjacent Superfund sites in close proximity to residential neighborhoods. It wasn't until after she moved into her Del Amo neighborhood that Cindy Babich bega..
The development of technology for handling co-mingled wastes has changed the one-time altuistic gesture of recycling into a symbiotic relationship between environmental needs and profitability.
When it was opened in 1948, the Fresh Kills landfill on Staten Island in New York was supposed to be a temporary measure of only five years duration. Built on a wetlands with no liner to prevent groundwater contamination..
Unlike municipal landfills, hazardous waste landfills have very specific acceptance procedures. Chemical sampling and analysis of an incoming load must match the waste profile sent by the generator prior to a truck being..
In the desert of New Mexico a half mile beneath the surface of the earth in a salt mine judged to be 250 million years old, a permanent disposal site is sought for the wastes from decommissioned atomic weapons facilities..
Nuclear power does provide an alternative to fossil fuels, but creates a serious long term disposal problem for its waste, which is highly radioactive. The Nuclear Policy Act of 1982 charged the Department of Energy with..
The suitability of Yucca Mountain as the site for a long term repository for high level nuclear waste has not found universal acceptance. Concerns have been expressed concerning potential groundwater contamination, seism..
Explorer and environmentalist Jean-Michel Cousteau compares the relative impact of Third World nations and industrial nations on the marine environment.
Explorer and environmentalist Jean-Michel Cousteau talks about water quality, noting that it is a relative term. He also likens water to soup, in that it contains a variety of different ingredients.