This clip explains that what we generally refer to as metric units of weight are actually units of mass. The clip states that mass measures the amount of matter an object has, while weight measures the force of Earth's g..
Nobel Prize winning professor of psychology Daniel Kahneman talks about research that attempts to determine how happy people are with their lives. "What I like better," Dr. Kahneman explains, "is an approach in which we ..
Psychologist and author Paul Ekman talks about the characteristics of emotions. He also discusses how emotions are triggered, noting that, "...emotions are triggered without our being able to witness (the) process or rea..
Philosopher Stephen Toulmin talks about the challenge of defining philosophy. During the course of his remarks, Professor Toulmin mentions Ludwig Wittgenstein, with whom he studied in Cambridge. Wittgenstein used to say ..
Philosopher John Searle provides an overview of philosophy, noting that it doesn't have a clear definition. As part of the discussion, Professor Searle contrasts philosophical questions and scientific questions.
Philosopher Charles Taylor talks about the challenge of trying to define philosophy. Unlike other disciplines, Professor Taylor explains, philosophy doesn't have a set of definite issues, questions and information to con..
Social psychologist Mahzarin Banaji talks about what distinguishes social psychology from psychology in general. Dr. Banaji explains that social psychology looks at the individual not in isolation, but in the context of ..
Philosopher Michael Sandel discusses two approaches to liberalism, what he terms libertarian liberalism and egalitarian liberalism. He also talks about his own reluctance to be labeled as a communitarian, because he feel..
Philosopher Michael Sandel talks about the views of government held by John Locke and Aristotle. According to Professor Sandel, Locke believed "government was founded on consent." As for Aristotle, Professor Sandel expla..
Communitarians have been accused of being conservative, of attempting to maintain a way of life that includes discrimination against women and minorities. For communitarians, such problems can be solved by reasoned publi..