Writing somewhat later in the Scientific Revolution, Bish George Berkeley sought to crush the threat that materialism posed to religion by arguing that reality is made up entirely of ideas. Since we know about the world ..
Materialists maintain that only the physical world is real. This idea which dates back to Democritus, a Greek philosopher who lived in the 5th century B.C, rose to prominence during the Scientific Revolution. Seventeenth..
The distinction between trying to capture the true nature of reality versus defining it in human terms has remained central to recent philosophy. The two sides in the debate are the realists and anti-realists. To realist..
Realists agree with anti-realists that much of reality is a social construction--money, marriage, government, language. But realists also believe there has to be a world that's independent of our representation of how th..
The definition of a term within an algebraic expression.
This series offers learners an in-depth analysis of the wisdom of the Western world, The Examined Life studies the "Great Questions" that have intrigued philosophers from antiquity to the present. Using writings of past ..
This series offers learners an in-depth analysis of the wisdom of the Western world, The Examined Life studies the "Great Questions" that have intrigued philosophers from antiquity to the present. Using writings of past ..
This series offers learners an in-depth analysis of the wisdom of the Western world, The Examined Life studies the "Great Questions" that have intrigued philosophers from antiquity to the present. Using writings of past ..
This series offers learners an in-depth analysis of the wisdom of the Western world, The Examined Life studies the "Great Questions" that have intrigued philosophers from antiquity to the present. Using writings of past ..
This series offers learners an in-depth analysis of the wisdom of the Western world, The Examined Life studies the "Great Questions" that have intrigued philosophers from antiquity to the present. Using writings of past ..