Solving an equation with two fractions containing different denominators.
A problem is presented to practice solving an equation using the least common denominator to get a quadratic equation.
A problem is presented to practice solving an equation using the least common denominator to get a quadratic equation.
Two different ways to write an algebraic equation for the same word problem involving rate, time, and distance are compared.
Three different approaches to solving the same practical problem are demonstrated. Two approaches using one variable and a two-variable system all produce the same solution to the question of how many balcony seats and h..
Sometimes there is no way to rearrange or group that produces common factors. A polynomial that cannot be factored down to one term is said to be unfactorable.
Although many problems can be solved with either one equation or a system of equations, one way will sometimes be easier than the other. A word problem involving finding the price per chair given the number of chairs, th..
A practical problem is presented that demonstrates a situation in which two variables and a system of equations is the easiest way to reach a solution.
The square root of any negative number is not a real number. Writing a negative number in radical form is illustrated.
Illustrations of the rule for multiplying radicals: the square root of a times the square root of b equals the square root of the product a times b.