Vol. LXXI – No. 9 This issue contains articles on rising antagonism in advance of student government elections, allegations of racism against a student assembly member, and the removal of an allegedly obscene campus ar..
Vol. LXIV – No. 9 This issue contains articles on a student government dispute over meeting minutes, the end of a graduate student's hunger strike, and a campus discussion on ethical reporting hosted by the journalism ..
Vol. XXXVIII – No. 6 This issue contains articles on news that the Faculty Council was considering a transfer of power to Student Government, President Nixon's urging that colleges keep order against demonstrators, and..
Vol. XXVI—No. 8. Executive Council passes all 9 resolutions concerning BC Library operations, Russian poet Yevgalny Yevtushenko is set to visit BC on 4/22-4/23/63. Preferred Citation: Kingsman, Volume XXVI, Issue 8,..
Vol. XXXVI – No. 7 This issue contains articles on the resignation of the editor-in-chief of BC's 'riverrun' magazine, the Nova Vanguard rejecting the proposal that they only be allowed to sell its issues on-campus, an..
Vol. XXII—No. 4 BC Executive Council announces construction bids will come to a close 3/3/1961, Board of Regents endorses Governor Rockefeller’s state educational aid program, dismal support is showed for upcoming D..
Vol. XXXIV – No. 4 This issue contains articles on Mayor Lindsay's call for construction of a Cross-Brooklyn Expressway, worldwide student movements discussed by the National Student Association, and the offering of no..
Vol. LVI – No. 3 This issue contains articles on an investigation into possible grade illegalities, a pending evaluation of the BC president, and anger over state budget cuts to higher education. Preferred Citation: ..
Vol. LXVI – No. 6 This issue contains articles on more discoveries of asbestos on campus and plans for a faculty protest against trustees. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication..
Vol. XXIV—No. 8 The Challenge lecture series’ 2nd program will represent the first taped program by WBAI-FM with BC participation to be aired on that very station, David Boroff will give the House Plan Associations ..