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Brooklyn College Student Newspapers
Showing 411 to 420 of 744 Resources

Kingsman, March 30, 1979

Vol. LVIII – No. 8 This issue contains articles on student demands for a deeper probe into a student's drowning death, a lawsuit against the school by a fired professor with alleged CIA links, and campus animal labs in..

Kingsman, March 30, 1992

Vol. LXXV – No. 9 This issue contains multiple articles on the campus walkout against proposed CUNY tuition hikes. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication. Brooklyn College Illum..

Kingsman, March 31, 1978

Vol. LVI – No. 6 This issue contains articles on a potential transit strike's effect on the college, a state audit citing questionable spending by the BC administration, and details of a NYPIRG refund policy. Note: I..

Kingsman, March 4, 1960

Vol. XX-No. 4 BC Swim Team post first winning record in 18 years. As City College, Hunter and Queens plan to picket outside Woolworth headquarters, BC Executive Council has stalled its participation in planned protest, ..

Kingsman, March 4, 1966

Vol. XXXII – No. 4 This issue contains articles on news that the CUNY budget crises may lower fall freshman enrollment, CUNY's free-tuition March has been set, and a proposal from the Board of Higher Education's offer ..

Kingsman, March 4, 1977

Vol. LIV – No. 3 This issue contains articles on a proposed restructuring plan for New York's public colleges, much-needed campus repairs, and the benefits of a school activities fee. Note: This scan is missing the f..

Kingsman, March 4, 1991

Vol. LXXIII – No. 6 This issue contains articles on a student assembly walkout by one of the student government parties and more financial woes for the student center (SUBO). Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. vo..

Kingsman, March 5, 1965

Vol. XXX – No. 4 This issue contains articles on Albany's passing of the mandatory free tuition bill, changes to the Spring calendar resulting in two extra vacation days, and the opening of the faculty-student lounge. ..

Kingsman, March 5, 1971

Vol. XLII – No. 6 This issue contains articles on the BC Day Care Collective's occupation of the T-1 building in a demand for more facility space, the BC Student Services' request for by-law revisions in the Student Se..

Kingsman, March 5, 1976

Vol. LII – No. 4 This issue contains articles on the college reinstating military recruitment on campus in exchange for federal grants, a campus protest against military recruitment, and the return of an official stude..

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