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William Paterson University of New Jersey Collection
Showing 441 to 450 of 4830 Resources
Balancing Act: Debate over the Monetary Policy of the Federal Reserve

Balancing Act: Debate over the Monetary Policy of the Federal Reserve

When the economy began to slow at the start of the new millennium, the Federal Reserve employed another policy used to control the economy, adjusting the federal funds rates. The Federal Reserve is an independent body ap..

Balancing Act: Globalization's Impact on National Economic Control

Balancing Act: Globalization's Impact on National Economic Control

It is much harder for any national government to control and affect the behavior of their national economy given the trend toward globalization. Their fate is interrelated with people all over the world. Many Americans f..

Balancing Act: Historical Relationship between the U. S. Government and the Nation's Economy

Balancing Act: Historical Relationship between the U. S. Government and the Nation's Economy

Government maintained a hands-off policy toward business and the economy for much of its early history. But in the early part of the 20th century it became more involved, breaking up trusts and establishing the Federal R..

Balancing Act: In Economic Terms...

Balancing Act: In Economic Terms...

In 1998 revenues from taxes equaled expenditures and the United States had a balanced budget for the first time since 1969. Only a small portion of the federal budget is really discretionary. When the country is in a def..

Balancing Act: Nation's Fiscal Policy, A

Balancing Act: Nation's Fiscal Policy, A

One of the ways that government stabilizes the economy is through its fiscal policy, the amount of money it spends in comparison to the taxes it collects. Although no one likes taxes, the U. S. is one of the least taxed ..

Balancing Act: Revival of Belief in the Free Market

Balancing Act: Revival of Belief in the Free Market

One of the most important changes in business and political world in the last few decades has been the growing sense that the market is best system for equitably distributing the benefits of society. Several industries l..

Balancing Act: Status of Workers, The

Balancing Act: Status of Workers, The

Workers began gaining a degree of power in the 1930s when Congress passed legislation that guaranteed their right to bargain collectively and established a minimum wage. In the decades that followed American workers cont..

Balancing Act: Striking a Regulatory Balance

Balancing Act: Striking a Regulatory Balance

It is difficult to strike a balance between regulation that is harmful to business and regulation that serves the greater good. Environmental regulations are a case in point. In recent years a number of businesses have m..

Balancing Learning Standards with Diverse Learning Needs

Balancing Learning Standards with Diverse Learning Needs

If diversity and special needs are prominent factors in a learning environment, teachers may have to juggle mandated standards with students’ personal challenges. This video addresses that balancing act, demonstrating ..

Ballot Changes

Ballot Changes

Former Secretary of State James A. Baker talks about how the voting process could be improved at polling places. "We should get rid of punch card ballots. Go optical scan ballots or even manually marked ballots, which ar..

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