Vol. LVIII – No. 12 This issue contains articles on the favorite candidate to take the BC presidency, faculty opposition to a proposed effort to move elementary school students into campus classrooms, and the Board of ..
Vol. LXXV – No. 13 This issue contains articles on the student government election debate and a rally in support of the Los Angeles uprising. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publicat..
Vol. XXII—No. 12 Myra Schwarzapfel and James Halikas prove winning pair that’s elected to preside over the Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association for the coming academic year, BC County Fair is fitted ..
Vol. XXXIV – No. 12 This issue contains articles on news of the upcoming Country Fair, the top CUNY officials protesting budget cuts, and the Student Center Board of Review's note of disappointment that the commitments..
Vol. LVI – No. 11 This issue contains articles on pressure forcing the BC president to negotiate with protestors, the U.S. Justice Dept. intervening in a case between the college and a faculty member, and charges of di..
Vol. LXVII – No. 15 This issue contains articles on a sit-in by members of the Haitian Club and results of student government elections. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication. ..
Vol. XX—No. 12 Dean Stroup halts action on BC Drill Protestors, letters are submitted requesting students identified by Dean of Students implicated in the protest to either deny or accept their participation, Executi..
Vol. XXXII – No. 12 This issue contains articles on news that the general fee for CLAS students is expected to rise to $50 next term, the election results for the Executive Council's President post, and the FSCSO's pro..
Vol. LIV – No. 12 This issue contains articles on student government election results, major changes to a program for disadvantaged students, and the upcoming campus Classics Week. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspap..
Vol. LXXIII – No. 14 This issue contains articles on allegations of fraud against NYPIRG and student government election debates. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication. Brookly..