Describes the Bear Education and Resource Group's mission and activities, as well as provides information about black bears themselves, including noises they make, their activities, tendencies and statistics.
How do our families influence our relationship with our own bodies? How do American pop culture's standards of beauty get inside our hearts and heads? In what ways can sport and the drive for fitness actually make us sic..
Samuel Gladding Ph.D. 43 minutes - Released 2007 by Microtraining Associates What is creativity and how can it be purposefully incorporated into counseling? In this engaging film, participants demonstrate aspects of..
This program demonstrates and describes the procedures for making a patient bed in a clinical setting. Making the occupied and the unoccupied patient bed are shown.
This title teaches how to assess a patient in the hospital setting. Presents demonstrations of full-motion physical exams and shows normal findings. Includes examples of cross-cultural issues.
Philosopher W.V. Quine talks about behaviorism, stressing that the explanation of an event has always got to be expressed in physical terms. As part of this discussion, he touches on how children learn language, noting t..
Philosopher John Searle explores various perspectives on the mind which he believes are all flawed, including behaviorism and identity theory, then discusses functionalism, which he says is essentially a combination of t..
Most cases of domestic violence start with emotional violence. Suppressed rage in reaction to name calling or disrespect often erupts in violence.
Both the environment in which a child matures and his or her genetic nature contribute to aggressive behavior. Researchers studying a family in which male siblings all committed violent criminal acts found that the broth..
One in three women in the United States experiences violence at the hand of an intimate partner sometime during their lifetime. It is the single largest cause of trauma to women between the ages of 15 and 44. Victims, do..