Man has changed the face of the planet in many ways, causing willful damage and destruction while also creating new habitats for plants and animals. Adaptability is the key to success, and this program looks at the mixed..
Grass grows all over the world, sustaining a host of creatures, particularly the African grasslands, which are home to the greatest collections of Savannah animals. Here, antelope, zebra and wildebeest reside with their ..
The world's largest river system - the Amazon - is followed by David Attenborough from its source in the Peruvian Andes to its huge coastal delta in Brazil. Great waterfalls such as the Angel Falls in Venezuela and Iguas..
Desert animals must survive two demanding conditions - heat and drought. They have solved these problems in a variety of ingenious ways. Beetles and strange plants in the Namib Desert collect fog. Lizards gear their life..
David Attenborough reveals how huge forces formed the earth, how continents move and how the planet has become so amazingly varied. He visits an erupting volcano in Iceland, finds giant plants on Mount Kenya and investig..
From the snowy peaks of the Andes to Antarctica and the Arctic, David Attenborough explores remote places and sees how plants and animals survive in the most extreme conditions.
Life between the tides makes great demands on the inhabitants, yet many creatures have made their home in this shifting world of mud and sand. Mangroves with their roots help to expand the coastline, and in Bangladesh a ..
Trees of the coniferous forests have special adaptations that enable them to survive long cold winters. Many animals that inhabit these vast forests are dependent on the trees for leaves, cones or bark. Further south, in..
Over 70% of the Earth's surface is covered by sea. This program looks at the oceans in their broadest aspects - from drowned plains and hidden mountains to minute drifting plankton and forests of kelp. The food webs of t..
The atmosphere is a covering that is constantly on the move with currents of air, often global in scale, manufacturing the world's weather. In order to drift and fly, plants and animals must overcome gravity, a force tha..