Four million people in America now suffer from Alzheimer's disease, and with the aging of the Boomers, the prevalence of Alzheimer's is expected to double within the next decade. Caring for an Alzheimer's patient is one ..
The challenge of understanding what makes customers buy is the focus of this episode. What influences a buyer's decision?
One of the defining elements that distinguishes one ocean layer from another is the presence or absence of light. The impact of light in the marine environment is significant. It affects the behavior of marine animals an..
The area beneath the surface of the ocean is laid out in discrete zones and layers. These provide a convenient framework within which to analyze ocean structure.
Marine chemistry is used to understand physical processes, such as ocean circulation, as well as various biological processes.
The rate at which sound spreads out in the ocean is affected by scattering, which often occurs when sound waves hit boundaries, like the seafloor and the ocean surface. When sound waves scatter, they may cause the format..
Marine mammals use sound in much the same way that animals on land use their sight and, to some extent, their hearing. It offers the best means by which to detect their prey at a distance.
Sound is sometimes used to study the ocean's interior. For example, the speed of sound in the ocean can be used to measure the temperature between the source and the receiver.
Sound in the ocean travels about five times as fast as it does in the atmosphere. As with light, absorption plays a major role.
Philosopher Martha Nussbaum explores the different approaches to utilitarianism as expressed in the works of Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. She suggests that Bentham focuses primarily on pleasure, while Mill is mor..