Vol. XX—No. 11 BC Dems nominate Adlai Stevenson amidst fury of activity at mock convention, Lucille Feldman, Kingsman editor-in-chief, resigns out of protest to Dean Stroup’s order to not publish photographs of BC s..
Vol. XXXII – No. 11 This issue contains articles on news of the Student Center expansion plans, the nomination of five students for the Presidency of the Executive Council, and legislation to abolish the House Un-Ameri..
Vol. LIV – No. 11 This issue contains articles on a sex discrimination suit against the Board of Higher Education, a protest occupation of a campus building, and student government election debates. Preferred Citation..
Vol. LXXIII – No. 13 This issue contains articles on a 20,000-strong rally against state budget cuts, changes to registration processes and academic schedules, and core curriculum difficulties. Preferred Citation: Tit..
Vol. XXX – No. 11 This issue contains articles on the new dress regulations created by the FSCOC, news that the BC Ninth Baroque Festival being reduced to two concerts rather than three due to a lack of advance ticket ..
Vol. XLII – No. 14 This issue contains articles on fighting amongst members of the Jewish Defense League (JDL) and Black students, details of 'CUNY Solidarity Day' to oppose City budget cuts, and results of the Student..
Vol. LII – No. 11 This issue contains articles on the BC president's own governance plan, campus peddling guidelines, and student government election announcements. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, is..
Vol. LXXI – No. 13 This issue contains articles on pending changes to CUNY grade policy, a planned two day anti-bias rally, and the death of a longtime college registrar. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume..
Volume XVIII- No. 12 This issue contains articles about seminars to determine and understand the changing academic world and the direction of courses and new education programs, on a panel led by History Department chai..
Vol. XXVIII—No. 11. Executive Council’s representation on each of the three committees is reduced by 50% by the Faculty Council, Stephen Levine emerges victorious as the new Executive Council President with 4 new de..