All sides of the affirmative action issue have targeted the same goal: ending racism of all types. But do opportunities for some have to come at the expense of others? In this Fred Friendly Seminar moderated by Harvard L..
Personal selling offers a broad range of career opportunities requiring a wide variety of expertise and skills on the part of the salesperson. Positions range from entry level jobs as sales trainees to highly paid sales ..
Digital technology plays an increasingly significant - and, many believe, unethical and intrusive - role in the lives of Americans. This CNBC program examines the rapidly growing data-mining and surveillance industries a..
While the benefits of the North American Free Trade Agreement are still being argued, the perils of one of the treaty’s most powerful secrets are beginning to emerge. Bill Moyers Reports: Trading Democracy is the first..
Once again in the U.S., the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Is history repeating itself? In this edition of the Journal, Bill Moyers interviews Steve Fraser, author of Wall Street: America's Drea..
Since the first rumblings of the subprime mortgage meltdown, Bill Moyers Journal has stayed on the story of the economic collapse with original reporting and in-depth interviews, making headlines and informing the public..
Since the first rumblings of the subprime mortgage meltdown, Bill Moyers Journal has stayed on the story of the economic collapse with original reporting and in-depth interviews, making headlines and informing the public..
Filmed in collaboration with the World Resources Institute, this Bill Moyers program assesses the state of the environment. Combining interviews with leading scientists and reports from Mongolia, British Columbia, Brazil..
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are binary operations.
Biological treatment is a major application of microbial technology used for treating municipal wastewater and sewage. One of the most important biological treatment processes is anaerobic digestion, in which anaerobic ..